5 BUDDHA { PANCHA BUDDHA }-The Great Buddhas of Wisdom
# The five Great Buddhas of Wisdom are of uncertain origin.
# They are commonly known as Dhyani Buddhas.They are not separate gods. They are just abstract aspect of Buddhahood.
# Dhyani Buddhas or Pancha Buddhas are emanated from Adibuddha and also called Tathagata.It is also said that ,all
the five Dhyani Buddhas are said to have originated from Vajrasattva himself.
# The five transcendental(non natural) Buddhas who represents the essence of the five primordial(existence from
the beginning) defilements(pollution) : lust, hatred ,delusion,pride and jealousy.
# Each of the five Buddhas embodies the primordial purity of these five defilements which obscure(confuse) our mind.
# These five Buddhas are not subdivisions of the Shakyamuni Buddha,nor do they have consorts and children of their
own as some Buddhist scholars undertstand.
# These forms of five Buddhas are in fact metaphorical expessions of nondual wisdom and skill in means
# They are Sambhogakaya Buddhas and can perform ceaseless activity for the benefit of all sentient beings.
# Each of the five Buddhas first identifies a specific human failing and then helps us in transforming it
into a positive attribute,bringing about the spiritual evolution required for enlightenment.
# Of the five Dhyani Buddhas,the senior is Vairochana who occupies center of the Mandala ,Other four Dhyani Buddhas
are Akshobhya Buddha in the east,Ratna Sambhav Buddha in the South, Amitabha in the West and Amoghsidhi Buddha
in the north are depicted.All the Buddhas of Pancha Buddha family is shown in their gesture.
# Vairochana in Dharmachakra Mudra (Dharma Wheel Teaching Gesture),Akshobhya in Bhumisparsha Mudra (Earth Touching Gesture),
Ratnasambhava in Varada Mudra (Bestowing Gesture), and Amitabha in Dhyani Mudra.
# Eventhough they have all sprung from the same spiritual father, these Buddhas have got many differences among themselves.
For example, each displays a different hand mudra; is associated with a different direction; denotes a particular moment
in the life of the historical Buddha, and has a different color also.
# They are so popular in Nepal that they are found in every stupa, thousands of Chaityas (small stupas), in courtyards,
and found painted in the main entrance of the Buddhist house.
# Indeed, the link between our negative emotions and the positive qualities into which the Dhyani Buddhas transform them
can be illustrated most directly through the medium and experience of color.
# It is well known that changing the color of our surroundings can have a profound effect on our state of mind. Color also
expresses our emotions, as when we say that we are green with envy or pleased feeling with blue Color is logical.