# Laxmi is the goddess of wealth and prosperity.
#Nepalese people,both Hindus and Buddhists,worship the goddess Laxmi
during Tihar Festival for three onsecutive days.
#She sappears either alone or with Vishnu.
# When she appears alone with Vishnu,she is called Laxmi.When she appears herself she may be
called either Sri or Laxmi.Laxmi is the senior consort of vishnu.
# Laxmi is represented in various forms with two arms,four arms or eight arms.
# When she has four arms,she holds a wheel,a conch ,a lotus and a fruit.
# She has one face and is yellow in colour.
# She is adornes with six kinds of ornaments namely earring,necklace,crown,bracelets
and so forth.
# She is seated in Vajrasana on a lotus throne.
#One can see a great deal of offering substances including gold coins in front of her.
# When she is with Vishnu,she sits on his left lap or on the serpent Ananta.