# Bajradhara is depicted holding a vajra in his right hand and a bell(ghanta)in his left hand.
# His two hands being crossed against the chest .
# His deep blue bodied indicates the profound and boundless nature of his Bodhicitta.
# He is seated on the Vajrasana in a moon disc on a lotus throne.
# Two hands are embracing -mudra posture to show that he has mastered the union of wisdom path leading to the perfect enlightenment of Buddhahood.
# Bajradhara is an emanation of adibuddha,considered by some to be the highest deity in vajrasana Buddhism.
# Furthermore, he is the central figure in the Refuge tree of kagyupa Lineage.
# He is the Tantric form of Shakyamuni and his name means the bearer of the thunderbolt.
# He is an expression of Buddhahood itself in both single and yabyum form.
# It is said that Shakyamuni Buddha took the form of Vajrdhara while he was teaching the tantric path to his gifted disciples.