# Sutras in which Shakyamuni expounds the glories of Sukhavati,the Pure Lands, speak of the presiding Buddha
sometimes as Amitabha and sometimes as Amitayus.
# We can find little differences between Amitabha and Amitayu.Indeed Amitabha resembles for infinite light but
Amitayu resembles for infinite life.
# When depicted as Amitayus, he is depicted in fine clothes and jewels.
# Amitayu is particularly associated with longevity of life.
# He is mostly depicted sitting in a meditative posture and holding a vessel in his hands containing the nectar of immortality.
# Amitayu is also one of the three deities of long life (Amitayus, White Tara & Ushnishavijaya) .
# Amitayu ,so means "he whose life is boundless".
# The image of the gold colored statue in the article of Amitayus is that as he is wearing a 5 pointed crown,which is the easiest
way to distinguish Amitayu from the Amitabha.
# Amitayu is also named infinite life Buddha which is the incarnation of Amitabha Buddha..
# The meaning of infinite is countless which is as same as without boundary.
# The ruby red bodied Buddha is as similar to that of Amitabha.
# When not depicted alone, Amitabha is often portrayed with two assistants: Avalokitesvara on the right and Mahasthamaprapta on the left.